Hi Everyone,
Well done handling a 7 day lockdown here in Adelaide. With the continuing restrictions we will continue to worship together albeit online!!!
Hopefully we will be back face to face on the 8th August.
We will not have a FAMILY TIME this Sunday online but here is a couple of ‘family time’ clip sthat you might like to watch for your own consideration and learning, or you might even like to watch it with your children and let them speak the story back to you.
This first video share the feeding of the five thousand and prepares us for the journey to understand the bread of life story line in Johns Gospel.
This second video focus’ on I am the bread of life:
We have a passion to hold our unique and different stories at CityView Uniting Church and we use communion as the place where we gather around our story and allow the story of Jesus and the work of Christ to hold us all together – connected to the greater story of God!
While we are online its really hard to do communion well, so we will share the story of communion and then invite each of you to share communion with the people you gather with together, or to remember the table at which YOU belong.
And so we encourage you to gather each night for a meal, to be thankful for our stories, our meal, and our incredible God, and say GRACE together. I have invited each family in our core team to write a grace for you to share in your homes. They will be listed below – and here is a link to a PDF of them that you might want to print out! GRACE this week
I also asked the team to provide some songs that they found encouraging in this time of COVID19 and lockdown. Here is a link to the spotify play list for this week I would love you to email me and make new suggestions of songs.
GRACE – heres an idea, if we could make a cube and use it as a dice with different words for GRACE on each side, it might make saying grace even easier – here is a pdf for a cube cut out! cube cut out
Dear God thank you for today, bless this food to our bodies and the conversations to our hearts in Jesus Name, Amen.
Our family Grace is a variation on what my Grandpa always said –
Dear Jesus
Thank you for this food,
We pray that you bless this meal
To our bodies
We pray For
Healthy food to eat
Each person at this table
Awesome people to prepare it
Practical people to help get it to us
Super people to grow it.
Thank you Heaps God.
Dear God,
Be present at this table as we enjoy your provision
Of friends, family and this food.
Remembering the family of CityView of which we belong.
May we eat this food, with hearts full of thankfulness and hope.
[Perhaps share what you are all thankful for…]
And we pray that in a world where so many are lonely, afraid, sick and struggling –
We might be nourished to extend hope.
We pray this is Jesus’ name!!!